Canceled Activities Practice Guidelines


Effective until the final state tournament date for each canceled activities season, the following direction is provided for NDHSAA member schools:

Coaches and Directors May Not: 

•Have in-person contact with participants.

•Require or suggest groups of participants to gather.

•Suggest or support “captain’s practices”or “open gyms.”

•Require participants to take part in individual workouts or skills training, etc. (i.e. journaling, reporting of time spent, submission of results)

•Place undue influence on participants to take part in any individual workouts or skills training.

Coaches and Directors May:

•Connect with participants via technology (i.e. email or other school-approved communication tools).

•Provide optional individual workouts or optional individual skills training via electronic communication.

•Provide evaluations or feedback on participants’ performance (provided participant voluntarily submits video of a skill or performance).

•Connect with and support participants who are challenged by the changes in their routines and life due to changes caused by COVID-19 limitations and restrictions.

Coaches and Directors Must: 

•Include the Activities Administrator on all communication to participants.

The NDHSAA Board of Directors approved a waiver of Part II, Article XIV, Section IIIa allowing similar season participation on a non-school team for the spring 2020 seasons only.

School administration at their discretion, may place more restrictive limitations on practice and participation.

As COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, the NDHSAA will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as necessary.